WishBone Medical’s WishFIXTM System is an effective growth control plating solution for temporary hemiepiphysiodesis, a proven treatment with low complication rates.1
Designed for use in both upper and lower extremities, WishFIXTM curved plates allow the physician to redirect the growth angle of the long bone, gradually correcting the angular deformity in pediatric patients with open physis.2, 3 This surgical solution is recommended as a first line of treatment, preferred over major surgical intervention, such as osteotomies.1 Immediately following the procedure, the patient is allowed mobility and weight bearing.2
- 2-Hole and 4-Hole plates available in 10 sizes (5 ea.)
- Low-profile plates designed to conform to patient anatomy
- Central pilot hole designed to precisely place plate over physis
- Protruding bosses designed to elevate plate for reduced contact with growth plate and periosteum
- Recessed screw holes designed to hold the drill guides securely and allow low-profile screw seating
- Complete procedure kits available in stainless steel or titanium
Brochures and promotionals
Surgical Technique - WishFIX Growth Control Plating System
Sales Brochure - WishFIX Growth Control Plating System
IFU - WishFIX Growth Control Plating System
Not yet cleared for global distribution.
1. Danino B, Rödl R, Herzenberg JE, Shabtai L, Grill F, Narayanan U, Segev E, Wientroub S. Guided growth: preliminary results of a multinational study of 967 physes in 537 patients. J Child Orthop 2018;12:91-96. DOI 10.1302/1863-2548.12.170050.
2. Stevens PM. Guided Growth for Angular Correction. J Pediatr Orthop. Volume 27, Number 3. April/May 2007.
3. Balla MS, Bruce CE, Nayagam S. Correcting genu varum and genu valgum in children by guided growth. J Bone Joint Surg. Vol. 92-B, No. 2, February 2010.
4. Saran N, Rathjen KE. Guided growth for the correction of pediatric lower limb angular deformity. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2010;18:528–36.