Your team works to help as many patients as possible. Convenience kits save valuable time in- and outside of the clinic (or operating room) so you can do just that. Designed to streamline an Achilles tenotomy from start to finish, the complete, sterile packed “CAT” Kit provides all medical and surgical items necessary to perform the procedure more efficiently than ever.
More than 100,000 babies are born around the world each year with clubfoot–one of the most prevalent congenital deformities to date, with approximately 80% of cases seen in developing countries. Serial manipulation and casting come closest to achieving effective treatment, so that the child’s feet will be functional and pain-free with full mobility (1). About 90% of children who undergo Ponseti method treatment for clubfoot still have an abnormally tight Achilles tendon after the casting process is complete (2).
A pediatric orthopedic surgeon can correct the problem with an outpatient Achilles tenotomy procedure to improve dorsiflexion of the foot, avoiding extensive surgery. Tenotomy corrects the rigid equinus with a complete cut through the Achilles tendon. This is important as the collagen of the Achilles tendon is more restrictive than the joint capsule, and ligaments do not respond as well to lengthening (3). The tendon heals rapidly, within three weeks post-surgery (1).
IFU - Scalpel Handle Dissector
Surgical Technique - Clubfoot Achilles Tenotomy (CAT) Kit
Sales Brochure - Clubfoot Achilles Tenotomy (CAT) Kit
Sales Brochure - Clubfoot Achilles Tenotomy (CAT) Kit
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1. Pulak S, Swamy M. Treatment of idiopathic clubfoot by ponseti technique of manipulation and serial plaster casting and its critical evaluation. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2012; 22(2):77–84. 2.
2. Bor, Noam et al. “Sedation protocols for Ponseti clubfoot Achilles tenotomy.” Journal of children’s orthopaedics vol. 1,6 (2007): 333-5. doi:10.1007/s11832-007-0059-8
3. Africa Clubfoot Training Project. Chapter 7 Africa Clubfoot Training Basic & Advanced Clubfoot Treatment Provider Courses – Participant Manual. University of Oxford: Africa Clubfoot Training Project, 2017.
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